
Dark Type Counters Pokemon Go

Nighttime-blazon Pokemon can get serious problems if trainers don't have a plan to deal with them in Pokemon Become.

The Nighttime typing was invented in Generation II as a way to deal with the overpowered Psychic types from Generation I. It has since become one of the better types, hitting most other Pokemon for at to the lowest degree neutral impairment and only beingness resisted by few other types. Each meta in Pokemon Get PvP besides has their share of strong Dark-types, whether it's Yveltal in Master League or Umbreon in Bully League. Trainers are going to have to keep these counters in mind if they don't desire to get simply washed by these powerful Night-type Pokemon.

Which Pokemon are best at countering Dark-types?


The strongest counters to the Dark typing is Fairy-type Pokemon. This is mostly because Fairy-types typically take really potent Attack stats and/or moves. Examples of Pokemon like this would be Mega Gardevoir and Xerneas.

Fairy-types also become access to Amuse, a contender for best quick attack in the game. There is a reason why Pokemon Become PvP players often complain about teams existence "Charm weak." This move does twenty base damage every time information technology'southward used, which means it can wear down Pokemon fifty-fifty without the apply of accuse moves.

Some other smashing counter to Night-type Pokemon are Fighting-types. In general, the majority of Fighting Pokemon boast incredibly big Assail stats (Machamp, Lucario, Conkeldurr).

Fighting-types also become access to hard-hit moves. Whatever Pokemon that tin can use Dynamic Punch, for example, is lucky since it'due south i of the strongest moves that require 50 free energy. When charging the full bar, Fighting-types can besides drib large Close Combats and Focus Blasts for considerable impairment.

If neither Fairy nor Fighting Pokemon are available, Bug-types are a good last minute resource to deal with Dark-types. Bug Pokemon are rarely on top of the meta, just some of them are still very powerful.

Volcarona is always a fantastic option. With a 268 Assail stat, Bug Buzz is guaranteed to injure. Pinsir is also relatively stiff and can charge up quick 10 Pair of scissors. Scizor is another great Bug-blazon to add to whatever team, since it'southward type combo of Bug and Steel that is very difficult to suspension through.

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