
August Raids Pokemon Go 2021

If you desire to catch the all-time Pokémon, yous're going to accept to participate in Pokémon Go raids. These are difficult events that pit you against a variety of your favourite monsters alongside your friends, providing you with a bunch of rewards if y'all succeed. You'll also get a chance to catch the monster you fought, which makes it a neat method of tracking down more than elusive monsters.

Raids accept place at gyms, and require you to have a raid pass, which you tin get one time per mean solar day by visiting a gym, to participate. There are different tiers of Pokémon Go raids, with the highest giving you a chance to receive a legendary Pokémon.

If you lot find raids intimidating, or just want a bit more than data before you start digging into them, we've put together this guide for you. We'll break down everything you demand to know about gyms, including the different types, how you can participate, and what y'all tin expect as rewards, in the guide below. By the time you've finished reading it, you'll exist a raid master. You can also find out more than information about your favourite mobile game by checking out our Pokémon Go news, Pokémon Go event, and Pokémon Become update guides.

At present, let'due south get into the Pokémon Go raid schedule for the adjacent calendar month.

June POKÉMON GO five-star raids

Niantic has revealed the June five-star and mega raid schedule. The following Pokémon are available:

  • Kyogre appears in five-star raids until June 7. You may fifty-fifty encounter a shiny
  • Groudon appears in five-star raids from June 7 to June 16. You may fifty-fifty encounter a shiny
  • Mewtwo that knows shadow ball appears in five-star raids from June 16 to June 23. You may fifty-fifty encounter a shiny
  • Mewtwo that knows psystrike appears in five-star raids from June 23 to Ju;y i. Y'all may even encounter a shiny

Every Wed in June a raid hour effect runs from 18:00 to 19:00 local time. Raid hours feature the Pokémon appearing in five-star raids that week.

June Pokémon Go mega raids

If you're curious nigh what Pokémon will soon appear in mega raids, y'all can find the full schedule correct hither:

  • Mega Steelix is in mega raids until June 7. You might fifty-fifty meet a shiny
  • Mega Aerodactyl is in mega raids from June seven until June xvi. Y'all might even encounter a shiny
  • Mega Venusaur is in mega raids from June 16 until June 23. You lot might even run across a shiny
  • Mega Blastoise is in mega raids from June 23 until July i. You might fifty-fifty see a shiny

Zygarde is coming presently

On December 3, 2020, Niantic released a trailer announcing that more than PokéBalls volition be available from PokéStops for the holiday period. Notwithstanding, the concluding frame of this video shows new Pokémon from the Kalos region.

YouTube Thumbnail

As you can see, Zygarde is clearly coming to the game soon, as every other Pokémon in the shot is bachelor now. As the video has a holiday theme, we look them to announced soon.

The likelihood is that they volition be available in raids, like most other Legendary Pokémon, but we'll update this page with all the information when nosotros know for sure.

Now, we'll respond a bunch of questions you may take regarding Pokémon Get raids.

What are Pokémon Go raids and how practise they piece of work?

Raids are multiplayer events in Pokémon Go that challenge you lot to battle powerful monsters in exchange for exclusive rewards. Each raid has a tier from one to v, with the everyman tiers being the easiest and the highest being the most hard. Yous can battle easier raids alone, but you'll demand to work with the community to participate in the tougher raids.

Hither's how to offset and complete a raid in steps:

  1. To initiate a raid, y'all'll need a raid pass, which you can get from a gym one time per twenty-four hour period
  2. Next, find a gym with an egg higher up it and wait until the timer counts down
  3. Visit the gym when the timer has come to an finish and yous'll be able to face up the raid boss
  4. The raid dominate is a Pokémon with much higher CP than usual, and you accept an hour to form a team and beat it
  5. You can participate in raids solo or bring together a group of up to 20 other players
  6. You can bring upwardly to 6 Pokémon into the battle with you lot, but similar in a usual gym boxing
  7. If you fail the boss fight, yous tin attempt again as many times as y'all'd like until the hour is up, and it won't toll you another raid pass
  8. If you're successful, y'all'll receive a bunch of rewards and a chance to take hold of it using premier balls, which are exclusive to raids

How do I get premier balls?

Premier balls are exclusive to raids, and are the sole type of Poké brawl that you can use to try and capture the raid boss if you lot successfully defeat it. Y'all can't collect premier balls using the ordinary means, and will instead earn a set up number depending on the following factors:

  • Defeat the boss: v premier balls
  • Damage: up to iv premier assurance
  • Gym :upward to ii if you control gym
  • Squad contribution:you gain extra premier balls depending on the damage your team, equally a whole, inflicts
  • Friends:Raid with a friend to receive up to four actress premier balls

So, every bit yous can see, it's possible to earn a fair number of extra balls by paying attending to the above.

How practice I catch raid bosses?

Even with the maximum possible number of premier balls at your disposal, you're notwithstanding not guaranteed to catch the Pokémon; especially if it'due south a legendary at tier v. If you want to significantly increase your chances, you're going to demand to utilize a golden razz drupe.

Fortunately, golden razz berries are a reward for defeating raid bosses in the start identify, so if y'all raid often yous should have enough on y'all to increment the chances of capturing the boss.

Here's a round-up of other things you lot can do to increase your chances of catching a hard raid boss:

  • Throw a curveball by spinning the Poké ball earlier y'all throw information technology
  • Go an excellent throw by landing the Poké ball inside the circle when it'south small
  • Get medals for the type of Pokémon you're aiming to catch

What rewards can I get?

Bated from the chance to take hold of a really powerful Pokémon, yous also become several other rewards for successfully completing a raid:

  • Golden razz berry
  • Fast TM
  • Charged TM
  • Rare candy
  • 3,000 XP (standard raids)
  • 20,000 (legendary raids)

How do I exercise Pokémon Go Ex Raids?

EX Raids are a special type of raid only bachelor to those who have received an invite. To participate in an EX raid, yous'll need an aptly-titled EX raid pass, which yous can get equally a random advantage for completing a large number of raids.

EX raids differ from usual raids in that yous'll face up a much more than powerful Pokémon, and will need to bring a heck of a lot of friends along to the fight. Equally a reward, you'll go the chance to add one of the rarest Pokémon to your drove.

Hither's a list of Pokémon that take appeared in an EX raid so far:

  • Mewtwo
  • Deoxys
  • Regigigas

To increase your chances of getting an EX raid pass, you can follow these steps:

  • Participate in raids oft
  • Tackle raids in gyms that are eligible for EX raids (you can check if your nearby gym is eligible by interacting with it and looking at the summit right of your phone screen)
  • Get a gold gym bluecoat at an EX raid gym

One time you lot accept an EX raid pass, an EX raid will be scheduled at a nearby eligible gym. Yous can and so invite your friends in Pokémon Go to join you from the EX raid pass screen. Merely ultra and all-time friends tin can join y'all on an EX raid.

What are remote raid passes?

The remote raid laissez passer is a brand new item that allows you to raid from the condolement of your home. Niantic has introduced it with a Pokécoin bundle, which provides iii for a single Pokécoin, and they're also available to buy in the shop individually.

Here's how the raid remote pass works in Pokémon Go:

  • Remote raid passes are a new premium item that cost 100 Pokécoins ($0.99/£0.79) individually (the price will increase at a subsequently appointment), or every bit a pack of three for 250 Pokécoins
  • A new Pokécoin bundle has been made available that provides 3 passes for a single Pokécoin
  • Yous can just hold a limited number of remote raid passes at a time
  • Once you've purchased one, you lot tin can participate in any raids that appear on your nearby screen remotely
  • Xx trainers can participate in the aforementioned raid battle, though there'due south a limit to the number of remote raiders (Niantic hasn't confirmed an exact number notwithstanding)
  • Raids performed remotely notwithstanding count towards research tasks and achievement medals

Niantic has also detailed a number of upcoming changes that will follow after the remote raid pass launches:

  • The attack power of remote raiders will be reduced at a later time
  • Those participating in person will meet an increment in attack power
  • The number of trainers that can participate remotely will be adjusted (it's not clear if this will exist increased or decreased; nosotros'd expect the latter)

If you lot'd like to learn more than, nosotros've been keeping a rolling list of every single Pokémon Go update that you can read to learn nearly all of the recent changes to the game.

August Raids Pokemon Go 2021,


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