How To Make Head In Roblox
The Humanoid is a special object that gives models the functionality of a character. It grants the model with the power to physically walk around and collaborate with various components of a Roblox level. Humanoids are e'er parented within of a Model, and the model is expected to exist an assembly of BasePart and Motor6D; the root part of the associates is expected to be named HumanoidRootPart. It likewise expects a part named Head to be connected to the graphic symbol'due south trunk part, either direct or indirectly. Past default, there are ii official types of grapheme rigs supplied by Roblox, each with their own set up of rules: A basic character rig that uses 6 parts for limbs. The Caput part must exist attached to a role named Torso, or the Humanoid volition die immediately. BodyPart appearances are applied using CharacterMesh objects. More circuitous than R6, but also far more flexible and robust. Uses 15 parts for limbs. The Head part must be fastened to a role named UpperTorso or the Humanoid will die immediately. BodyPart appearances have to exist assembled directly. Can be dynamically rescaled by using special NumberValue objects parented inside of the Humanoid. The Humanoid will automatically create Vector3Value objects named OriginalSize inside of each limb. If a NumberValue is parented inside of the Humanoid and is named i of the post-obit, it volition be used to command the scaling functionality: BodyDepthScale BodyHeightScale BodyWidthScale HeadScale local RunService = game:GetService( "RunService" ) local playerModel = script.Parent local humanoid = playerModel:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" ) local function updateBobbleEffect () local now = tick() if humanoid.MoveDirection.Magnitude > 0 then -- Is the character walking? local velocity = humanoid.RootPart.Velocity local bobble_X = math . cos (now * 9 ) / 5 local bobble_Y = math . abs ( math . sin (now * 12 )) / 5 local bobble =, bobble_Y, 0 ) * math . min ( 1 , velocity.Magnitude / humanoid.WalkSpeed) humanoid.CameraOffset = humanoid.CameraOffset:lerp(bobble, 0.25 ) else -- Scale downwards the CameraOffset and so that it shifts back to its regular position. humanoid.CameraOffset = humanoid.CameraOffset * 0.75 stop terminate RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(updateBobbleEffect) R6
Lawmaking Samples
Sets whether the grapheme will automatically jump when they hit an obstruction as a player on a mobile device.
AutoRotate sets whether or not the Humanoid will automatically rotate to face in the direction they are moving in.
When Enabled, AutomaticScalingEnabled causes the size of the character to modify in response to the values in the Humanoid'southward child scale values changing.
Determines whether a Humanoid'southward joints intermission when in the Dead state.
An offset applied to the Camera's bailiwick position when its CameraSubject is gear up to this Humanoid.
Controls the distance behavior of the humanoid's proper name and health display.
Sets the text of a Humanoid, displayed above their head.
Describes the Textile that the Humanoid is currently standing on. If the Humanoid isn't standing on anything, the value of this property will exist Air.
Controls when the humanoid'south wellness bar is immune to be displayed.
Provides command over the height that the Humanoid jumps to.
Determines how much upwardly forcefulness is applied to the Humanoid when jumping.
The maximum gradient angle that a humanoid tin can walk on without slipping.
Describes the direction that the Humanoid is walking in.
Controls whether a humanoid'due south proper noun and health bar tin be seen behind walls or other objects.
Allows developers to disable the behavior where a player Graphic symbol|graphic symbol dies if the Neck Motor6D is removed or disconnected fifty-fifty momentarily.
Describes whether this Humanoid is utilizing the legacy R6 graphic symbol rig, or the new R15 character rig.
A reference to the humanoid's HumanoidRootPart object.
A reference to the seat that a Humanoid is currently sitting in, if any.
Describes whether the Humanoid is currently sitting.
Describes the 3D position where the Thespian controlling the Humanoid terminal clicked in the earth while using a Tool.
Describes the Humanoid's maximum move speed in studs/sec.
A reference to a part whose position is trying to be reached by a humanoid.
The position that a humanoid is trying to attain, after a call to Humanoid:MoveTo() is made.
Backdrop inherited from Example
Fires when the speed at which a Humanoid is climbing changes.
Fires when the speed at which a Humanoid is running changes.
Fired when the land of the Humanoid is changed.
Fires when the speed at which a Humanoid is swimming in Terrain water changes.
Events inherited from Instance
Laissez passer a body part to this part (the body part should exist a sibling of Humanoid, and a child of a Model) to become the BodyPartR15 of the Function.
Returns the Limb enum that is associated with the given Part.
Causes the Humanoid to walk in the given direction.
Dynamically replaces a Humanoid body office with a different part.
Plays emotes and returns if was successfully ran.
Methods inherited from Instance
AutoJumpEnabled sets whether or not the Humanoid will attempt to automatically jump over an obstacle it is walking towards. Currently, this belongings only works when the following conditions are true: The Player in question is using touch controls. When a player's graphic symbol spawns, the belongings's value matches the player'due south Actor.AutoJumpEnabled property - which in turn matches the StarterPlayer.AutoJumpEnabled holding.
The AutoRotate property describes whether or not the Humanoid will automatically rotate to face in the direction they are moving. When gear up to true, the grapheme model will gradually turn to face their movement direction every bit the Humanoid walks around. When set to faux, the character model will remain fixated in its current rotation, unless a rotating forcefulness is applied to the HumanoidRootPart. If the character model happens to exist the character of a player, then the behavior of the Humanoid'southward rotation is influenced by the UserGameSetting'southward RotateType belongings. When the AutoRotate property is set to true, the RotateType belongings has the following furnishings on the Humanoid'southward rotation:
RotationType Behavior Context MovementRelative CameraRelative Character will rotate to confront in the direction of the camera. Player has their camera zoomed into beginning-person, or they are in shift-lock fashion.
The Humanoid has six child calibration values including BodyDepthScale, BodyHeightScale, BodyProportionScale, BodyTypeScale, BodyWidthScale, HeadScale. Changing the value of whatsoever of these causes the graphic symbol'due south body parts and accessories to modify size, but but if AutomaticScalingEnabled is true.
Determines whether a Humanoid'due south joints break when in the Expressionless country. Defaults to true. If it is set to simulated, BreakJoints will not exist called on decease or after death. If information technology is set to truthful, the existing suspension-joints-every-frame beliefs will be used.
The CameraOffset belongings specifies an commencement to the Camera'south field of study position when its Camera.CameraSubject is prepare to this Humanoid. The offset is practical in object-space, relative to the orientation of the Humanoid'southward HumanoidRootPart. For example, an offset Vector3 value of (0, 10, 0) offsets the player's camera to 10 studs to a higher place the player'due south humanoid.
The DisplayDistanceType property controls the distance behavior of the humanoid's name and health display. This holding is fix using the HumanoidDisplayDistanceType enum with 3 available values, each with their own gear up of rules: When prepare to Viewer, the humanoid sees the name/wellness of other humanoids inside range of its own NameDisplayDistance and HealthDisplayDistance. When ready to Subject, the humanoid takes total control over its ain name and health display through its NameDisplayDistance and HealthDisplayDistance values. When set to None, the humanoid's proper name and wellness bar practise not announced under any circumstances. See Graphic symbol Name/Health Display for an in-depth guide on controlling the appearance of character names and health confined.
DisplayName is a holding that determines the Humanoid's name display when visible. By default, a new Humanoid will have the value of an empty string. If DisplayName is an empty string, the humanoid's proper name display volition default to the humanoid'due south parent's name holding. Player Grapheme Loading When players load their character, either automatically or through the employ of LoadCharacter(), the Humanoid that is created by the engine will have its DisplayName belongings set to the player's DisplayName property. StarterCharacter and StarterHumanoid When a Humanoid named StarterHumanoid is parented to StarterPlayer, or when a Humanoid is present in a Model named StarterCharacter, the DisplayName belongings volition be respected when Characters are loaded by Players in the game. The engine will merely override the DisplayName property of the Humanoid with the DisplayName belongings of the player if the StarterHumanoid's DisplayName belongings is an empty string.
This is a read-only property that describes the Cloth the Humanoid is currently standing on. It works with both regular Parts and Terrain voxels. The code sample below demonstrates how to listen to when this property changes using Case:GetPropertyChangedSignal(). When the cloth the humanoid is standing on changes, it will print a message indicating the new material beingness stood on. local Humanoid = Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal( "FloorMaterial" ):Connect( function () print ( "New value for FloorMaterial: " .. tostring (Humanoid.FloorMaterial)) terminate ) When the Humanoid is not standing on a floor, the value of this property will be set to Air. This occurs because Enum properties cannot have an empty value. This can cause some confusion if a part has its material is set to Air, though in practice, parts are not supposed to use that material in the commencement place. The character model of the Humanoid must be able to collide with the floor, or else it will not exist detected. You cannot exam if the Humanoid is swimming with this property. You lot should instead use its Humanoid:GetState() office.
Health is a property that represents the current health of the Humanoid. The value is restricted to the range [0, Humanoid.MaxHealth]. If the Humanoid is dead, Health is continually set to 0. The TakeDamage function should exist used to subtract from Health. If a Humanoid has a ForceField equally a sibling, the function will non lower Wellness. If there is no Script named "Wellness" inside StarterCharacterScripts, a passive health regeneration script is automatically inserted. This causes players' characters to spawn with the same health regeneration script, which adds 1% of MaxHealth to Wellness each 2nd, while the Humanoid is not expressionless. To disable this health regeneration behavior, add an empty Script named "Health" to StarterCharacterScripts. When Health is less than MaxHealth, a health bar is displayed under the Humanoid's proper noun in-game. The display behavior of the health bar is dependent on the HealthDisplayDistance and HealthDisplayType. A Player will not encounter their own proper name and health bar above their Character. Instead, it is displayed in the summit correct corner of the screen on the superlative bar. The health bar is visible when Health is less than MaxHealth. When the value of the graphic symbol's health reaches 0, the Humanoid automatically transitions to the Dead HumanoidStateType. In this state, Wellness is locked to 0; however, there is no mistake or warning for setting the Health of a dead Humanoid to a positive nonzero value.Dealing Damage
Health Bar Display
The HealthDisplayDistance property is a number used in conjunction with the Humanoid.DisplayDistanceType holding to control the distance from which a humanoid's health bar tin be seen. See Character Proper name/Wellness Brandish for an in-depth guide on controlling the appearance of character names and wellness bars.
HealthDisplayType controls when a humanoid's wellness bar is allowed to be displayed. By default, this property is set to DisplayWhenDamaged, which makes the health bar just display when a humanoid'due south Humanoid.Health is less than its Humanoid.MaxHealth. It can besides exist set to AlwaysOn, which makes the health bar e'er brandish, or AlwaysOff, which prevents it from ever displaying. This belongings functions independently of the humanoid's HealthDisplayDistance property, which is responsible for making the health bar fade out at certain distances. If HealthDisplayType is set to AlwaysOn, information technology will notwithstanding fade out depending the how Humanoid.HealthDisplayDistance is configured. See Graphic symbol Name/Wellness Display for an in-depth guide on controlling the appearance of character names and health bars.
HipHeight determines the altitude (in studs) off the ground the Humanoid.RootPart should be when the Humanoid is continuing. The RigType influences the style this property behaves: With R15 rigs, a suitable HipHeight is preset to ensure the meridian of the Humanoid.RootPart is correct. The summit of the legs is not used. The overall pinnacle of the Humanoid can exist described in the following formula: Summit = ( 0.5 * RootPart.Size.Y) + HipHeight For R6 rigs, the RootPart's acme is determined by the height of the grapheme'southward legs and Humanoid.RootPart. HipHeight instead describes a relative kickoff. The overall top of the Humanoid tin can exist described in the following formula: Tiptop = LeftLeg.Size.Y + ( 0.5 * RootPart.Size.Y) + HipHeight HipHeight for R15 Humanoids
HipHeight for R6 Humanoids
Provides control over the height a Humanoid jumps in studs. The starting value of this property is determined past the value of StarterPlayer.CharacterJumpHeight, which defaults to 7.two. This holding is only visible in the Properties window if Humanoid.UseJumpPower is set to false, as it would not be relevant otherwise. This holding can be used to suit the top that a humanoid can jump, assuasive developers to remove jumping, allow dynamically adaptable bound height based on character stats or raise the bound height (as if on the moon or such).
Determines how much upwardly forcefulness is applied to the Humanoid when jumping. The starting value of this property is adamant by the value of StarterPlayer.CharacterJumpPower, which defaults to 50 and is constrained between 0 and 1000. This property is merely visible in the Properties window if `Class.Humanoid.UseJumpPower`` is set to true, as it would not be relevant otherwise. Annotation: Jumps are also influenced by the Workspace.Gravity property which determines the dispatch due to gravity. Although setting this property to 0 will forbid the Humanoid from jumping, developers are advised to disable the "Jumping" land using the Humanoid:SetStateEnabled() function.
This property determines the maximum slope angle that a humanoid tin can climb. If the angle of a gradient is greater than a humanoid's MaxSlopeAngle, they volition slide down the slope. When a grapheme spawns, this property is fix according to the value of StarterPlayer.CharacterMaxSlopeAngle. The value of this property is constrained to values between 0° and 89°. It defaults to 89°, so humanoids can climb pretty much any slope they want by default.
MoveDirection is a read-merely holding that describes the management a Humanoid is walking in, every bit a unit of measurement vector or zero length vector. The management is described in globe space. Because this belongings is read-only, it cannot be set by a Script or LocalScript.
The NameDisplayDistance property is a number used in conjunction with the Humanoid.DisplayDistanceType property to control the distance from which a humanoid's name can exist seen. Run across Character Proper name/Health Display for an in-depth guide on controlling the appearance of character names and health bars.
Controls whether a humanoid's name and health bar tin can be seen behind walls or other objects. This property is a NameOcclusion value and tin be configured to occlude all names, enemy names, or disable occlusion entirely. In cases where the LocalPlayer has no Humanoid associated with it, this property instead applies to the subject Humanoid. See Character Proper name/Health Display for an in-depth guide on controlling the appearance of graphic symbol names and health bars.
PlatformStand describes whether the Humanoid is currently in the PlatformStanding HumanoidStateType. When true, the Humanoid is in a state where information technology is free-falling and cannot move. This state behaves similar to sitting, except that jumping does non free the humanoid from the state. The now-deprecated SkateboardPlatform puts the Humanoid into this state, much like how a Seat causes a sitting state.
Allows developers to disable the behavior where a histrion Character|graphic symbol dies if the Neck Motor6D is removed or asunder even momentarily. This property defaults to truthful.
RigType describes whether a Humanoid is utilizing the legacy R6 graphic symbol rig, or the newer R15 character rig. The R6 rig uses six visible Parts while the R15 rig uses 15 visible Parts. R15 rigs have more joints than R6 rigs, making them much more versatile when existence animated. Note that if this belongings is set incorrectly, the Humanoid will not part correctly. For example, if a R15 humanoid's RigType is set to R6, the Humanoid will die equally in that location is no BasePart chosen Body continued to a BasePart chosen Head.
A reference to the humanoid'southward HumanoidRootPart object, the root driving part of the Humanoid that controls a humanoid's movement through the 3D world. This part is normally invisible. Note that in the case of player characters, RootPart is the same equally the Model.PrimaryPart of the Player.Character model.
SeatPart is a reference to the seat that a Humanoid is currently sitting in, if any. The value of this property can be either a Seat, or a VehicleSeat. Information technology volition exist null if the Humanoid is not currently sitting in a seat. Note: For a bool describing if the Humanoid is currently sitting or not, see Humanoid.Sit down
Sit down
The Sit property is a boolean that indicates whether the Humanoid is currently sitting. Humanoids can be forced into a sitting land by setting this belongings'south value to truthful. If the Humanoid isn't attached to a seat while in its sitting state, information technology will trip over with no collision in its legs. A Humanoid can escape from the sitting state by jumping. Note: It is possible to detect when a Humanoid sits past connecting to the Humanoid.Seated result.
Practice not apply This property only works with Experimental Way enabled, which has been entirely discontinued. This property describes a 3D position in infinite where the Player controlling this Humanoid last clicked with a Tool equipped. This belongings is primarily used by archetype tools to determine what a humanoid is targeting when they activate a tool. If you give an NPC a classic rocket launcher, gear up their TargetPoint, and then telephone call the tool's Tool:Activate() function, you tin can make the NPC fire a rocket at the target point.
WalkSpeed is a belongings that describes how chop-chop this Humanoid is able to walk, in studs per second. This property defaults to the value of StarterPlayer.CharacterWalkSpeed, which defaults to sixteen, meaning a Roblox Histrion.Grapheme can move xvi studs in any direction each second by default. Note: When controlled on a mobile device or a gamepad, a humanoid can walk slower than their WalkSpeed if the controlling joystick is moved closer to its center Roblox's default animation script scales a humanoid's move animations based on how fast information technology is moving relative to the default speed of 16 studs/sec Movement speed is reduced to 87.5% WalkSpeed when swimming and 70% WalkSpeed when climbing
WalkToPart is a reference to a function that the Humanoid is trying to attain. This property is normally gear up when a role is passed equally the 2nd statement of the Humanoid'south Humanoid:MoveTo() function. When WalkToPart is set and a humanoid is actively trying to reach the part, it will keep updating its Vector3 goal to be the position of the part, plus the Humanoid.WalkToPoint translated in object infinite relative to the rotation of the part. This can be described in Lua as: goal = humanoid.WalkToPart.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(humanoid.WalkToPoint) Setting the value of WalkToPart isn't sufficient plenty to make a humanoid start following a part. The Humanoid is prompted to start attempting to attain a goal when the value of WalkToPoint is changed. This may exist changed in the time to come. The reach goal land of a humanoid volition timeout afterward viii seconds if it doesn't reach its goal. If you lot don't want this to happen, you should repeatedly call MoveTo so that the timeout will keep resetting.
WalkToPoint describes the 3D position in space that a humanoid is trying to reach, subsequently having been prompted to practice then by the Humanoid'southward Humanoid:MoveTo() office. If a humanoid's Humanoid.WalkToPart is gear up, the goal is set by transforming WalkToPoint relative to the parts position and rotation. If WalkToPart is non set, so the humanoid volition try to attain the 3D position specified by WalkToPoint directly. The value of WalkToPoint must exist changed to a different value in order for the humanoid to start walking towards it. If you want to brand a humanoid walk to 0,0,0, you lot should use the Humanoid's MoveTo office. This may exist inverse in the future. The reach goal state of a humanoid will timeout after 8 seconds if it doesn't reach its goal. If you lot don't want this to happen, you should repeatedly call MoveTo so that the timeout will keep resetting.Caveats
Backdrop inherited from Instance
The speed at which the Humanoid is currently climbing.
Code Samples
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local role onCharacterClimbing (grapheme, speed)
print (character.Proper noun, "is climbing at a speed of" , speed, "studs / 2nd." )
local function onCharacterAdded (character)
character.Humanoid.Climbing:Connect( function (speed)
onCharacterClimbing(character, speed)
finish )
local function onPlayerAdded (role player)
Lawmaking Samples
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local function onPlayerAdded (histrion)
local function onCharacterAdded (character)
local humanoid = grapheme:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local function onDied ()
print (histrion.Name, "has died!" )
role player.CharacterAdded:Connect(onCharacterAdded)
The FallingDown event fires when the Humanoid enters and leaves the FallingDown HumanoidStateType. The Humanoid will enter the GettingUp land 3 seconds after the FallingDown land is enabled. When this happens this event volition burn with an active value of imitation, and Humanoid.GettingUp will fire with an active value of true.
Lawmaking Samples
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
humanoid.Climbing:Connect( function (speed)
print ( "Climbing speed: " , speed)
stop )
humanoid.FallingDown:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Falling down: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.GettingUp:Connect( office (isActive)
print ( "Getting up: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Jumping:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Jumping: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.PlatformStanding:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "PlatformStanding: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Ragdoll:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Ragdoll: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Running:Connect( function (speed)
print ( "Running speed: " , speed)
end )
humanoid.Strafing:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Strafing: " , isActive)
terminate )
humanoid.Swimming:Connect( function (speed)
print ( "Swimming speed: " , speed)
end )
This event fires when the Humanoid enters or leaves the Freefall HumanoidStateType. The active parameter represents whether the Humanoid is inbound or leaving the Freefall state. Although the Freefall country generally ends when the Humanoid reaches the ground, this event may fire with active equal to fake if the state is changed while the Humanoid is falling. For this reason, you should utilize Humanoid.StateChanged and listen for the Landed state to work out when a Humanoid has landed.
Lawmaking Samples
local grapheme = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
humanoid.Climbing:Connect( function (speed)
print ( "Climbing speed: " , speed)
end )
humanoid.FallingDown:Connect( function (isActive)
impress ( "Falling down: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.GettingUp:Connect( part (isActive)
print ( "Getting upward: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Jumping:Connect( function (isActive)
impress ( "Jumping: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.PlatformStanding:Connect( role (isActive)
print ( "PlatformStanding: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Ragdoll:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Ragdoll: " , isActive)
finish )
humanoid.Running:Connect( office (speed)
impress ( "Running speed: " , speed)
stop )
humanoid.Strafing:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Strafing: " , isActive)
cease )
humanoid.Swimming:Connect( office (speed)
print ( "Pond speed: " , speed)
end )
This upshot fires when the Humanoid enters or leaves the GettingUp HumanoidStateType. The GettingUp HumanoidStateType is a transition state that is activated shortly later the Humanoid enters the FallingDown (three seconds) or Ragdoll (1 second) HumanoidStateTypes. When a Humanoid attempts to get support, this effect will first fire with an active parameter of true before shortly after firing again with an active parameter of false. Run across also:
Code Samples
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
humanoid.Climbing:Connect( role (speed)
impress ( "Climbing speed: " , speed)
end )
humanoid.FallingDown:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Falling down: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.GettingUp:Connect( function (isActive)
impress ( "Getting upwards: " , isActive)
cease )
humanoid.Jumping:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Jumping: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.PlatformStanding:Connect( part (isActive)
print ( "PlatformStanding: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Ragdoll:Connect( function (isActive)
impress ( "Ragdoll: " , isActive)
stop )
humanoid.Running:Connect( part (speed)
print ( "Running speed: " , speed)
end )
humanoid.Strafing:Connect( role (isActive)
print ( "Strafing: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Swimming:Connect( office (speed)
print ( "Swimming speed: " , speed)
finish )
Code Samples
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local office onCharacterAdded (graphic symbol)
local humanoid = grapheme:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local currentHealth = humanoid.Wellness
local role onHealthChanged (health)
local change = math . abs (currentHealth - health)
impress ( "The humanoid's health" , (currentHealth > health and "decreased by" or "increased by" ), change)
currentHealth = health
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local actor = Players.LocalPlayer
-- Paste script into a LocalScript that is
-- parented to a Frame inside a Frame
local frame = script.Parent
local container = frame.Parent
container.BackgroundColor3 = 0 , 0 , 0 ) -- black
-- This function is chosen when the humanoid'southward health changes
local function onHealthChanged ()
local human = histrion.Character.Humanoid
local pct = human.Health / man.MaxHealth
-- Change the size of the inner bar
frame.Size =, 0 , 1 , 0 )
-- Alter the color of the health bar
if percentage < then
frame.BackgroundColor3 = 1 , 0 , 0 ) -- black
elseif percent < 0.4 then
frame.BackgroundColor3 = ane , 1 , 0 ) -- yellowish
frame.BackgroundColor3 = 0 , i , 0 ) -- green
-- This function runs is called the thespian spawns in
local part onCharacterAdded (graphic symbol)
local human = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
-- Pattern: update in one case at present, then whatever time the wellness changes
-- Connect our spawn listener; telephone call it if already spawned
if player.Graphic symbol and so
Code Samples
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
humanoid.Climbing:Connect( part (speed)
impress ( "Climbing speed: " , speed)
cease )
humanoid.FallingDown:Connect( part (isActive)
impress ( "Falling downwardly: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.GettingUp:Connect( office (isActive)
impress ( "Getting up: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Jumping:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Jumping: " , isActive)
stop )
humanoid.PlatformStanding:Connect( role (isActive)
print ( "PlatformStanding: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Ragdoll:Connect( role (isActive)
print ( "Ragdoll: " , isActive)
finish )
humanoid.Running:Connect( function (speed)
impress ( "Running speed: " , speed)
end )
humanoid.Strafing:Connect( function (isActive)
impress ( "Strafing: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Swimming:Connect( function (speed)
print ( "Swimming speed: " , speed)
end )
Lawmaking Samples
local function moveTo (humanoid, targetPoint, andThen)
local targetReached = simulated
-- listen for the humanoid reaching its target
local connexion
connectedness = humanoid.MoveToFinished:Connect( function (reached)
targetReached = true
connexion = cipher
if andThen then
finish )
-- start walking
-- execute on a new thread so as to not yield function
task.spawn( function ()
while not targetReached do
-- does the humanoid still exist?
if not (humanoid and humanoid.Parent) so
-- has the target inverse?
if humanoid.WalkToPoint ~= targetPoint then
-- refresh the timeout
job.wait( 6 )
-- disconnect the connection if information technology is still connected
if connectedness and then
connection = nada
end )
local role andThen (reached)
print ((reached and "Destination reached!" ) or "Failed to reach destination!" )
moveTo(script.Parent:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" ), 50 , 0 , fifty ), andThen)
Code Samples
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Await()
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local office onPlatformStanding (isPlatformStanding)
if isPlatformStanding then
print ( "The player is PlatformStanding" )
print ( "The player is not PlatformStanding" )
This issue fires when the Humanoid enters or leaves the Ragdoll HumanoidStateType. The active parameter will take the value true or false to indicate entering or leaving. Apply Humanoid:SetStateEnabled() to disable the GettingUp state to stay in the Ragdoll state. Run across also: Humanoid.FallingDown for the Humanoid event connected with the FallingDown country, which behaves similarly to Ragdoll
Code Samples
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = grapheme:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
humanoid.Climbing:Connect( function (speed)
impress ( "Climbing speed: " , speed)
stop )
humanoid.FallingDown:Connect( part (isActive)
print ( "Falling downwards: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.GettingUp:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Getting upward: " , isActive)
finish )
humanoid.Jumping:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Jumping: " , isActive)
cease )
humanoid.PlatformStanding:Connect( role (isActive)
print ( "PlatformStanding: " , isActive)
finish )
humanoid.Ragdoll:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Ragdoll: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Running:Connect( role (speed)
print ( "Running speed: " , speed)
end )
humanoid.Strafing:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Strafing: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Swimming:Connect( office (speed)
print ( "Swimming speed: " , speed)
end )
This event fires when the speed at which a Humanoid is running changes. While running Humanoids encompass, on average, their Humanoid.WalkSpeed in studs per second. When the Humanoid stops running this event will burn with a speed of 0. See besides:
The speed at which the Humanoid is running.
Code Samples
local office onRunning (speed)
if speed > 0 then
print ( "Histrion is running" )
print ( "Role player has stopped" )
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
humanoid.Climbing:Connect( function (speed)
print ( "Climbing speed: " , speed)
end )
humanoid.FallingDown:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Falling down: " , isActive)
cease )
humanoid.GettingUp:Connect( part (isActive)
print ( "Getting up: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Jumping:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Jumping: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.PlatformStanding:Connect( office (isActive)
print ( "PlatformStanding: " , isActive)
terminate )
humanoid.Ragdoll:Connect( office (isActive)
print ( "Ragdoll: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Running:Connect( office (speed)
print ( "Running speed: " , speed)
end )
humanoid.Strafing:Connect( function (isActive)
impress ( "Strafing: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Swimming:Connect( function (speed)
impress ( "Swimming speed: " , speed)
finish )
This event fires when a Humanoid either sits in or gets upward from a Seat or VehicleSeat. When a character comes into contact with a seat, they are attached to the seat and a sitting animation plays. For more information on this, see the Seat folio. If the graphic symbol is sitting downwards, the agile parameter volition be truthful and currentSeatPart will be the seat they are currently sitting in. If the character got up from a seat, the active parameter will be false and currentSeatPart will be nil. Come across also: Humanoid.Sit, which indicates if a Humanoid is currently sitting Humanoid.SeatPart, which indicates the seat a Humanoid is currently sitting in, if any.
The seat the Humanoid is sat in if it is sitting downwardly.
Code Samples
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local role onSeated (isSeated, seat)
if isSeated so
print ( "I'm now sitting on: " .. seat.Name .. "!" )
impress ( "I'm not sitting on annihilation" )
This result fires when the state of the Humanoid is inverse. The humanoid state describes the activeness the Humanoid is currently doing. Information technology takes the course of a HumanoidStateType value. See also:
Code Samples
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = grapheme:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local isJumping = false
humanoid.StateChanged:Connect( office (_oldState, newState)
if newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then
if not isJumping then
isJumping = true
humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, false )
elseif newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then
if isJumping and so
isJumping = false
humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, true )
end )
local grapheme = script.Parent
local primaryPart = graphic symbol.PrimaryPart
-- create particles
local particles = "ParticleEmitter" )
particles.Size = ane )
particles.Transparency = 0 , 1 )
particles.Dispatch = 0 , -ten , 0 )
particles.Lifetime = 1 )
particles.Rate = 20
particles.EmissionDirection = Enum.NormalId.Dorsum
particles.Enabled = faux
particles.Parent = primaryPart
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local isJumping = false
-- mind to humanoid country
local part onStateChanged (_oldState, newState)
if newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then
if not isJumping then
isJumping = true
particles.Enabled = true
elseif newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then
if isJumping and then
isJumping = false
particles.Enabled = false
True if the state is now enabled.
Lawmaking Samples
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local function onStateEnabledChanged (country, enabled)
if enabled then
print (state.Proper noun .. " has been enabled" )
print (land.Proper name .. " has been disabled" )
This event does not fire when the Humanoid is strafing and should non be used past developers This event is fired when the Humanoid enters or leaves the StrafingNoPhysics HumanoidStateType. When the Humanoid enters the StrafingNoPhysics state this event volition fire with an active parameter of true. The consequence volition fire over again with active equal to false when the Humanoid leaves the StrafingNoPhysics state. This consequence is associated with the StrafingNoPhysics Humanoid state and does not burn down when the Humanoid is moving perpendicular to the direction information technology is facing. This state is currently unused, if information technology is set using Humanoid:ChangeState() the state will revert to RunningNoPhysics.
Code Samples
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
humanoid.Climbing:Connect( function (speed)
print ( "Climbing speed: " , speed)
end )
humanoid.FallingDown:Connect( part (isActive)
print ( "Falling down: " , isActive)
terminate )
humanoid.GettingUp:Connect( office (isActive)
print ( "Getting up: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Jumping:Connect( part (isActive)
print ( "Jumping: " , isActive)
cease )
humanoid.PlatformStanding:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "PlatformStanding: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Ragdoll:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Ragdoll: " , isActive)
terminate )
humanoid.Running:Connect( office (speed)
print ( "Running speed: " , speed)
end )
humanoid.Strafing:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Strafing: " , isActive)
cease )
humanoid.Pond:Connect( function (speed)
print ( "Pond speed: " , speed)
end )
The speed the Humanoid is currently swimming at.
Code Samples
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = grapheme:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
humanoid.Climbing:Connect( function (speed)
impress ( "Climbing speed: " , speed)
end )
humanoid.FallingDown:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Falling down: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.GettingUp:Connect( role (isActive)
print ( "Getting up: " , isActive)
terminate )
humanoid.Jumping:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Jumping: " , isActive)
stop )
humanoid.PlatformStanding:Connect( part (isActive)
print ( "PlatformStanding: " , isActive)
cease )
humanoid.Ragdoll:Connect( function (isActive)
print ( "Ragdoll: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Running:Connect( part (speed)
print ( "Running speed: " , speed)
cease )
humanoid.Strafing:Connect( function (isActive)
impress ( "Strafing: " , isActive)
end )
humanoid.Swimming:Connect( function (speed)
print ( "Pond speed: " , speed)
terminate )
This result fires when 1 of the Humanoid'south limbs come up in contact with another BasePart. The BasePart the Humanoid's limb is touching forth with the limb itself is given. This event will not fire when limbs belonging to the Humanoid come into contact with themselves. Although the Humanoid.Touched effect is useful, developers should consider if at that place are alternatives that accommodate their needs better before using information technology. In most cases information technology is advised to connect a BasePart.Touched upshot for BaseParts of interest instead. This is because the Humanoid Touched event volition constantly fire when the humanoid is moving. For case, in a dodgeball game it would be more applied to connect a touched event for the balls rather than the humanoid Note: Connecting to this event will crusade a TouchTransmitter to exist created in every limbAlternatives to the Humanoid Touched issue
The limb of the Humanoid that has been touched.
Code Samples
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local partInfo = {}
local debounce = imitation
local function onHumanoidTouched (hit, _limb)
if debounce and so
if not hit.CanCollide or striking.Transparency ~= 0 and so
if not partInfo[striking] then
partInfo[hit] = {
BrickColor = striking.BrickColor,
Material = striking.Material,
hit.BrickColor = "Gold" )
hit.Fabric = Enum.Material.Ice
debounce = truthful
chore.wait( 0.2 )
debounce = false
local touchedConnection = humanoid.Touched:Connect(onHumanoidTouched)
local function onHumanoidDied ()
if touchedConnection then
-- undo all of the gold
for part, info in pairs (partInfo) do
if part and function.Parent then
office.BrickColor = info.BrickColor
part.Material = info.Cloth
Events inherited from Instance
The AddAccessory part attaches the specified Accessory to the Humanoid'due south parent. When this role is called, the Accessory is parented to the Humanoid'south parent and so attached. An Accessory is attached to the character by searching for an Zipper in the Humanoid's parent that shares the same name as an Attachment in the accessory's Handle Office. If one is plant, the Handle function volition be continued to the parent of the Zipper using a Weld. This weld volition be configured so the Attachments occupy the same space. If the required Zipper can not be found, then the Accessory will remain parented to the Humanoid's parent only it volition be unattached.How are Accessories attached to Humanoids?
Lawmaking Samples
local playerModel = script.Parent
local humanoid = playerModel:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local clockworksShades = "Accessory" )
clockworksShades.Name = "ClockworksShades"
local handle = "Part" )
handle.Name = "Handle"
handle.Size = 1 , i.6 , 1 )
handle.Parent = clockworksShades
local faceFrontAttachment = "Attachment" )
faceFrontAttachment.Name = "FaceFrontAttachment"
faceFrontAttachment.Position = 0 , -0.24 , -0.45 )
faceFrontAttachment.Parent = handle
local mesh = "SpecialMesh" )
mesh.Name = "Mesh"
mesh.Scale = 1 , 1.3 , 1 )
mesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://1577360"
mesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://1577349"
mesh.Parent = handle
BuildRigFromAttachments assembles a tree of Motor6D joints for a Humanoid. Motor6D joints are required for the playback of Animations Starting from the humanoid's Humanoid.RootPart, the office collects all Attachments parented in the electric current part, whose name ends with "RigAttachment". It so searches for a matching zipper in the grapheme that shares the same name as the attachment. Using those two attachments, a Motor6D joint is generated based on the parts associated with the two attachments, and the Attachment.CFramedue south of the attachments. BuildRigFromAttachments besides scales the grapheme and sets trunk colors. See the provided code sample below to run into how this function works.
Code Samples
local function createJoint (jointName, att0, att1)
local part0, part1 = att0.Parent, att1.Parent
local newMotor = part1:FindFirstChild(jointName)
if not (newMotor and newMotor:IsA( "Motor6D" )) then
newMotor = "Motor6D" )
newMotor.Name = jointName
newMotor.Part0 = part0
newMotor.Part1 = part1
newMotor.C0 = att0.CFrame
newMotor.C1 = att1.CFrame
newMotor.Parent = part1
local function buildJointsFromAttachments (part, characterParts)
if not part then
-- first, loop thru all of the part'southward children to find attachments
for _, attachment in pairs (part:GetChildren()) do
if attachment:IsA( "Attachment" ) then
-- only do joint build from "RigAttachments"
local attachmentName = attachment.Name
local findPos = attachmentName: find ( "RigAttachment" )
if findPos then
-- too don't brand double joints (in that location is the same named
-- rigattachment under two parts)
local jointName = attachmentName: sub ( 1 , findPos - 1 )
if not function:FindFirstChild(jointName) so
-- try to discover other role with same rig zipper name
for _, characterPart in pairs (characterParts) do
if function ~= characterPart then
local matchingAttachment = characterPart:FindFirstChild(attachmentName)
if matchingAttachment and matchingAttachment:IsA( "Attachment" ) and then
createJoint(jointName, attachment, matchingAttachment)
buildJointsFromAttachments(characterPart, characterParts)
local role buildRigFromAttachments (humanoid)
local rootPart = humanoid.RootPart
assert (rootPart, "Humanoid has no HumanoidRootPart." )
local characterParts = {}
for _, descendant in ipairs (humanoid.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
if descendant:IsA( "BasePart" ) then
table . insert (characterParts, descendant)
buildJointsFromAttachments(rootPart, characterParts)
local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local AssetService = game:GetService( "AssetService" )
local InsertService = game:GetService( "InsertService" )
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService( "MarketplaceService" )
local PACKAGE_ASSET_ID = 193700907 -- Circuit Breaker
local function addAttachment (role, proper noun, position, orientation)
local attachment = "Attachment" )
attachment.Proper noun = name
zipper.Parent = part
if position so
zipper.Position = position
if orientation so
attachment.Orientation = orientation
return attachment
local function createBaseCharacter ()
local grapheme = "Model" )
local humanoid = "Humanoid" )
humanoid.Parent = character
local rootPart = "Role" )
rootPart.Proper name = "HumanoidRootPart"
rootPart.Size = 2 , two , i )
rootPart.Transparency = ane
rootPart.Parent = character
addAttachment(rootPart, "RootRigAttachment" )
local head = "Part" )
head.Name = "Head"
head.Size = 2 , 1 , 1 )
head.Parent = character
local headMesh = "SpecialMesh" )
headMesh.Scale = 1.25 , i.25 , 1.25 )
headMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Head
headMesh.Parent = head
local confront = "Decal" )
face up.Name = "face up"
face.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
face up.Parent = caput
addAttachment(head, "FaceCenterAttachment" )
addAttachment(head, "FaceFrontAttachment" , 0 , 0 , -0.six ))
addAttachment(head, "HairAttachment" , 0 , 0.6 , 0 ))
addAttachment(head, "HatAttachment" , 0 , , 0 ))
addAttachment(head, "NeckRigAttachment" , 0 , -0.5 , 0 ))
return character, humanoid
local role createR15Package (packageAssetId)
local packageAssetInfo = MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(packageAssetId)
local character, humanoid = createBaseCharacter()
character.Name = packageAssetInfo.Name
local assetIds = AssetService:GetAssetIdsForPackage(packageAssetId)
for _, assetId in pairs (assetIds) practice
local limb = InsertService:LoadAsset(assetId)
local r15 = limb:FindFirstChild( "R15" )
if r15 then
for _, part in pairs (r15:GetChildren()) do
office.Parent = graphic symbol
for _, child in pairs (limb:GetChildren()) do
child.Parent = graphic symbol
return grapheme
local r15Package = createR15Package(PACKAGE_ASSET_ID)
r15Package.Parent = workspace
This function causes the Humanoid to enter the given HumanoidStateType. The humanoid state describes the activity the Humanoid is currently doing. You should check the page for HumanoidStateType for more information on what particular states do as some have unintuitive names. For instance, running describes a state where the Humanoid'south legs are on the footing, including when stationary Due to the default beliefs of the Humanoid some states will automatically be changed when set to. For instance: Setting the state to 'Pond' when the Humanoid is not in the water will lead to information technology being automatically set to 'GettingUp' Equally it is unused, setting the state to 'PlatformStanding' will lead to it being automatically set to 'Running' See as well:
Code Samples
local UserInputService = game:GetService( "UserInputService" )
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local doubleJumpEnabled = false
humanoid.StateChanged:Connect( function (_oldState, newState)
if newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping so
if not doubleJumpEnabled then
task.wait( 0.2 )
if humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall and then
doubleJumpEnabled = true
elseif newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then
doubleJumpEnabled = false
cease )
UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect( function (inputObject)
if inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space so
if doubleJumpEnabled then
if humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then
chore.spawn( function ()
doubleJumpEnabled = imitation
end )
end )
This function makes the Humanoid equip the given Tool. The below case would cause a Player to equip a tool in Workspace named 'Tool'. local Players = game:GetService( "Players" ) local actor = Players:FindFirstChildOfClass( "Player" ) if player and player.Character and then local humanoid = player.Grapheme:FindFirstChildOfClass( "Humanoid" ) if humanoid so local tool = workspace:FindFirstChild( "Tool" ) if tool and so humanoid:EquipTool(tool) end end end When this role is called, the humanoid will automatically unequip any Tools that it currently has equipped Although they volition be equipped, Tools for which Tool.RequiresHandle is true will non function if they accept no handle, regardless if this part is used to equip them or not Run across also:
Code Samples
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local actor = Players.LocalPlayer
local character = thespian.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = grapheme.Humanoid
-- Create a new randomly colored function at *pos* world position
local office spawnPart (position)
local part = "Part" )
function.Anchored = truthful
office.Size = i , 1 , i )
part.Position = position
office.Parent = game.Workspace
part.BrickColor = BrickColor. random ()
-- Spawn a new part at TargetPoint when the tool is activated
part onActivated ()
-- Brand a new tool and handle and put it in the player's Backpack
local office makeTool ()
-- Create tool
local tool = "Tool" )
tool.Parent = player:WaitForChild( "Backpack" )
-- Create tool handle
local handle = "Office" )
handle.Proper noun = "Handle"
handle.Parent = tool
handle.BrickColor = BrickColor. random ()
-- Enable and equip tool
tool.Enabled = true
-- Handle tool use
-- Make a new tool when the LocalScript first runs
This function returns an array of Accessories that the Humanoid's parent is currently wearing. All Accessory objects parented to the Humanoid's parent will be included, regardless of if they are attached or not. If the humanoid is not wearing any accessories, the array will be empty. If the Humanoid has no Accessories an empty array will be returned See besides:
Lawmaking Samples
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local function playerAdded (actor)
thespian.CharacterAppearanceLoaded:Connect( function (character)
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
-- salve hats for later
local accessories = {}
for _, accessory in pairs (humanoid:GetAccessories()) do
table . insert (accessories, accessory:Clone())
task.expect( 5 )
-- make sure the player however exists, and has the same character
if player and thespian.Graphic symbol and player.Character == grapheme then
if humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead and so
for _, accessory in pairs (accessories) practise
accessories = zero
end )
for _, player in pairs (Players:GetPlayers()) do
playerAdded(role player)
This function returns what BodyPartR15 a Part is, or BodyPartR15.Unknown if the role is not an R15 body part. This office allows developers to recall player body parts independent of what the actual torso part names are, instead returning an Enum. Information technology tin be used in conjunction with Humanoid:ReplaceBodyPartR15(). For example, if a player's body role touches something, this function will return get a part instance. Developers tin then look up what part of the body that was, like head or arm. Then depending on what that part was, developers can either perform some gameplay action or replace that function with some other office - perhaps showing damage. This office can be useful for games where hit location is important. For case, it can be used to determine if a player is hit in the leg so slow them down based on the injury.
The specified part being checked to meet if it is an R15 body role.
The specified function'due south R15 body part type or unknown if the part is non a torso part.
This function returns the Limb enum that is associated with the given Function This function works for both R15 and R6 rigs, for example: -- For R15 print (humanoid:GetLimb(grapheme.LeftUpperLeg)) -- Enum.Limb.LeftLeg print (humanoid:GetLimb(character.LeftLowerLeg)) -- Enum.Limb.LeftLeg print (humanoid:GetLimb(graphic symbol.LeftFoot)) -- Enum.Limb.LeftLeg -- For R6 print (humanoid:GetLimb(character:FindFirstChild( "Left Leg" ))) -- Enum.Limb.LeftLeg GetLimb will throw an error if the Part's parent is not gear up to the Humanoid'southward parent.
The Limb the role corresponds with.
Code Samples
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Await()
local humanoid = graphic symbol:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
for _, child in pairs (grapheme:GetChildren()) practise
local limb = humanoid:GetLimb(child)
if limb ~= Enum.Limb.Unknown and then
print (kid.Proper noun .. " is part of limb " .. limb.Name)
Code Samples
local UserInputService = game:GetService( "UserInputService" )
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local doubleJumpEnabled = fake
humanoid.StateChanged:Connect( function (_oldState, newState)
if newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then
if not doubleJumpEnabled then
job.wait( 0.ii )
if humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall so
doubleJumpEnabled = truthful
elseif newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed and then
doubleJumpEnabled = simulated
end )
UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect( role (inputObject)
if inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
if doubleJumpEnabled then
if humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then
task.spawn( function ()
doubleJumpEnabled = imitation
end )
end )
The GetStateEnabled part returns whether a HumanoidStateType is enabled for the Humanoid. The humanoid country describes the activeness the humanoid is currently doing. When a detail HumanoidStateType is disabled, the humanoid can never enter that state. This is true regardless if the attempt to change state is made using Humanoid:ChangeState() or Roblox internal humanoid code. See also:
Code Samples
local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
-- Gear up state
humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, simulated )
-- Get land
impress (humanoid:GetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping)) -- faux
This function causes the Humanoid to walk in the given Vector3 management. Past default, the direction given is in earth terms. If the relativeToCamera parameter is true notwithstanding the direction given is relative to the CurrentCamera'southward CFrame. As the negative Z direction is considered 'forwards' in Roblox, the following lawmaking would make the Humanoid walk in the direction of the Workspace.CurrentCamera. humanoid:Move( 0 , 0 , -ane ), true ) When this function is called, the Humanoid will movement until the function is called over again. However, if the default command scripts are being used this part volition be overwritten when called on Player Characters. This can be avoided past either not using the default control scripts, or calling this office every frame using RunService:BindToRenderStep() (see example). This function can be called on the server, merely this should only be done when the server has network buying of the Humanoid'southward assembly. Come across besides:
The direction to walk in.
Code Samples
local RunService = game:GetService( "RunService" )
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
RunService:BindToRenderStep( "movement" , Enum.RenderPriority.Character.Value + 1 , function ()
if player.Character and so
local humanoid = thespian.Character:FindFirstChild( "Humanoid" )
if humanoid and so
humanoid:Move( 0 , 0 , -1 ), true )
end )
This function causes the Humanoid to attempt to walk to the given location past setting the Humanoid.WalkToPoint and Humanoid.WalkToPart backdrop. The location and part parameters correspond with what Humanoid.WalkToPoint and Humanoid.WalkToPart will exist set to. If the office parameter is specified, the Humanoid will withal attempt to walk to the point. However, if the function moves then the signal the Humanoid is walking to will move to exist at the same position relative to the role. If the part parameter is not specified, and so the position the Humanoid is walking to will not change. The reach goal state of a humanoid will timeout subsequently 8 seconds if it doesn't reach its goal. This is done so that NPCs won't go stuck waiting for Humanoid.MoveToFinished to burn. If you don't want this to happen, you should repeatedly telephone call MoveTo so that the timeout will keep resetting.
Code Samples
local function moveTo (humanoid, targetPoint, andThen)
local targetReached = false
-- listen for the humanoid reaching its target
local connection
connectedness = humanoid.MoveToFinished:Connect( part (reached)
targetReached = true
connection = nix
if andThen then
stop )
-- start walking
-- execute on a new thread so equally to not yield role
chore.spawn( role ()
while non targetReached do
-- does the humanoid nonetheless exist?
if not (humanoid and humanoid.Parent) and so
-- has the target changed?
if humanoid.WalkToPoint ~= targetPoint then
-- refresh the timeout
task.wait( 6 )
-- disconnect the connection if information technology is still connected
if connection and so
connection = nil
end )
local function andThen (reached)
impress ((reached and "Destination reached!" ) or "Failed to reach destination!" )
moveTo(script.Parent:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" ), fifty , 0 , l ), andThen)
Code Samples
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local part playerAdded (player)
role player.CharacterAppearanceLoaded:Connect( function (character)
local humanoid = grapheme:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
-- relieve hats for later
local accessories = {}
for _, accessory in pairs (humanoid:GetAccessories()) do
table . insert (accessories, accompaniment:Clone())
task.wait( 5 )
-- brand sure the actor still exists, and has the same graphic symbol
if player and player.Graphic symbol and actor.Character == graphic symbol then
if humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead then
for _, accessory in pairs (accessories) do
accessories = nil
end )
for _, player in pairs (Players:GetPlayers()) practice
ReplaceBodyPartR15 dynamically replaces a R15/Rthro limb part in a Humanoid with a dissimilar part. The part is automatically scaled equally normal. In the image below, a R15 avatar has had their right manus replaced with a slightly larger version (also pictured). This part is useful for modifying characters during gameplay or edifice characters from a base rig. The related function GetBodyPartR15 can come up in handy when using this function. The name of the part passed in should friction match with the name of the BodyPartR15 Enum passed in.
This function sets whether a given HumanoidStateType is enabled for the Humanoid. The humanoid state describes the activity the Humanoid is currently doing. When a particular HumanoidStateType is disabled, the Humanoid can never enter that state. This is true regardless if the endeavour to change state is made using Humanoid:ChangeState() or Roblox internal Humanoid code.
True if this state is to be enabled, fake if it is to be disabled.
Lawmaking Samples
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = grapheme:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
local isJumping = fake
humanoid.StateChanged:Connect( part (_oldState, newState)
if newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then
if not isJumping and then
isJumping = true
humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, false )
elseif newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed and so
if isJumping then
isJumping = simulated
humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, true )
end )
Code Samples
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local grapheme = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = grapheme:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" )
humanoid:TakeDamage( 99 )
This function unequips any Tool currently equipped by the Humanoid The unequipped Tool volition be parented to the Backpack of the Actor associated with the Humanoid. If no Tool is equipped, this office will do nada. Although Tools can be equipped by NPCs (Non Player Characters), this function only works on Humanoids with a corresponding Player. This is because a Haversack object is required to parent the unequipped Tool to. See also:
Lawmaking Samples
local Players = game:GetService( "Players" )
local ContextActionService = game:GetService( "ContextActionService" )
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
ContextActionService:BindAction( "unequipTools" , function (_, userInputState)
if userInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then
if histrion.Character then
local humanoid = thespian.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass( "Humanoid" )
if humanoid then
end , false , Enum.KeyCode.U)
This yield function makes the character's appearance match the specification of the passed in HumanoidDescription. A copy of the passed HumanoidDescription is cached every bit the HumanoidDescription for the Humanoid. Information technology allows yous to quickly ready a character's appearance and store the specification of that appearance. This part is optimized through making the assumption that simply this function is used to change the appearance of the character, and no changes are made through other means between calls. If changes are made to the character betwixt calls. And then this function may not brand the character reverberate the passed in HumanoidDescription accurately. If y'all want to use this office in conjunction with other ways of updating the grapheme, Humanoid:ApplyDescriptionReset() will always ensure the character reflects the passed in HumanoidDescription. See also:
If the emote could non be played because the emoteName is not institute in the HumanoidDescription this API will give an error. The API will return true to indicate that the emote was played successfully.
name of the emote to play.
Methods inherited from Instance
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